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10 Best Roguery Perks In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord


With these helpful perks in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, you can make your character quick and smart.

Roguery is a rare skill in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. It gives a different way to play in an ancient setting where bandits, lies, and greed are important, and it can be a useful skill for any character.

The Roguery skill can help you do a lot of things, like lead large bands of bandit troops, save prisoners, and take over alley gangs. You can get the most out of your time spent building up this skill if you get the right benefits along the way.

No Rest For The Wicked

No Rest For The Wicked

In the roguery skill tree, the first choice is a simple one. At the beginning of the game, when you don’t have enough people to defend yourself from bandit parties, Sweet Talker can be a useful perk.

If you want to use bandit troops in your army, No Rest for the Wicked is a better perk. In the early game, the experience boost is a great bonus to focus on, and faster hunting is important for finishing raids and leaving before enemy groups come to help the village.

Deep Pockets

Deep Pockets

Two Faced is an important perk that lets you sneak into enemy towns and free prisoners, which weakens them from the inside. However, this perk is rarely used during a playthrough. Deep Pockets is a more reliable benefit, especially early in the game.

Tournaments are a great way to make money early on in the game. With 50 skills in roguery and the first perk in the tree, you could make a lot of money if you combine this with the first perk.



When you force people to join your army, In Best Light lets you get more recruits, and Know-How lets you get more loot from villagers and caravans. Both perks have their uses, but in the late game, forced recruits aren’t as good as they used to be.

Know-How is always a good perk because it makes you more money when you fight villagers and caravans. However, one of its best features is that it lets you gain experience when you steal from caravans and villagers you’ve defeated. With this perk, you can level up your Roguery skill even faster and get to the more powerful perks in the tree faster.



Ransoming prisoners is one of the best ways to level up roguery. So, if you want to focus on this skill, any perk that lets you hold more prisoners is good for your game. Manhunter gives you ten more troops, and it also gives you more money for standard troops.

Promises is a great perk if you only use bandit troops, but once you get the Partner in Crime perk later in the roguery skill tree, it becomes less useful. You can always start with the Promises perk and change it as you level up roguery.



If you want to walk the thin line between war and peace, White Lies is a great tool. Once your criminal rating with a group reaches a certain point, that faction will declare war on your clan. So, the faster your criminal record goes down, the less likely it is that this will happen.

But Scarface adds more to your game because you can force bandits to join you and make villages and caravans give up without a fight and hand over their goods. Both perks’ secondary benefits are similar and don’t offer much, so they don’t change your choice as a whole.

Partners In Crime

Partners In Crime

Partners in Crime is one of the best rewards for getting better at roguery as you level up. Even if you don’t want to focus on armies made up of only bandits, being able to quickly recruit every bandit party is a great way to add safe, cheap troops to your army.

Smuggler Connections can help with jail break missions and some gang quests, but the other choice at this level is so much better that you shouldn’t even think about picking this perk. Late in the game, when you’ve lost a lot of troops, it’s hard to put together big armies, but Partners In Crime make this job quick and easy.

One Of The Family

One Of The Family

One of the indirect benefits of the roguery skill is that killing enemies gives you more loot. If you are good at roguery, you can make a lot of money by killing enemy lords, and money won’t be a problem for you over time. Salt the Earth is a great perk for getting more loot from villagers, but it won’t help you much once you’ve hit the roguery skill level needed for it.

One of the Family is a good perk for giving the robber troops in your party even more power. It works well with other perks that help you recruit and level up bandit troops and make your army of thieves even stronger.

Ransom Broker

Ransom Broker

There are a few more perks like Carver that help you do better on jail breaks and gang quests, where you can only use civilian armor and weapons. These perks don’t help in any other situation, but they can be important if you want to focus on that part of roguery skill.

Ransom Broker has an advantage that is more consistent. First, it raises the amount of money you can get for the lord and ladies you have captured. But more importantly, it makes it harder for them to get away, so you can hold them for longer. This makes your enemy much weaker.

Arms Dealer

Arms Dealer

Even though roguery can make you a lot of money, if you want it to be your only source of income in the late Penalty Kick Online game, you need the Arms Dealer perk to get the most out of the items you steal. You can easily make tens of thousands of denars after each fight if you have this perk and sell weapons.

Dirty Fighting is a special ability that can help some fighting styles a lot. If you miss with a kick, it can leave your character open to attack. If you are good at kicking and hitting while fighting and don’t need money right away, Dirty Fighting might be the better perk for you.

Dash And Slash

Dash And Slash

The last perks in the roguery are not as important as the ones that came before. Even though the skill’s capstone is very useful, 125 roguery is more than enough to get the best choices.

But if you do reach this level, Dash and Slash will have a bigger effect than Fleet of Foot. The second one only works if you don’t have any weapons, and it’s rarely useful in a normal game. Dash and Slash does do more harm, especially if you are good at running and jumping.

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